Recorded Webinars
MASOC hosts and co-sponsors webinars throughout the year for clinicians serving children and youth engaging in problematic sexual behaviors. Below are recordings and handouts for many such webinars.
Spring 2025 Lunch & Learn Series
Fall 2024 Lunch & Learn Series
Online Child Sexual Abuse: What the data tells us about the connection to teens’ peer relationships
Presenter: David Finkelhor, PhD
Responsible Behavior with Younger Children: A school-based universal prevention approach to prevent teenage problematic sexual behaviors
Presenters: Luciana Assini-Meytin, PhD, and Amanda Ruzicka, M.A.
Winter/Spring 2024 Lunch & Learn Series
Sexual Wellbeing: Why It Matters for Adolescents Who Cause Harm
Presenter: Dr. Jane Fleishman
Through the Lens of Trauma: Preventing & Responding to Harmful Sexual Behavior in Young People
Presenter: Dr. Jill Levenson
Hitting Reset: Understanding Gamer Culture and Its Implications for Child and Adolescent Treatment
Presenters: David Delmonico, Ph.D., Stephen Kuniak, Ph.D., and Natalie Drozda, Ph.D
Fall 2023 Lunch & Learn Series
MASOC & MACA Webinar Series | June 2020
Most children with problematic sexual behaviors will grow into healthy adults, especially if they receive early and effective interventions. Given the recent legislation which decriminalized these behaviors for children under the age of 12, Massachusetts has a unique opportunity to address these behaviors with a new pilot program.
MACA and MASOC held a series of five free webinars to increase understanding about Problematic Sexual Behaviors and how to effectively intervene.
Fall 2022 Lunch & Learn Series
Webinars Archive | Pre-2020
Below is a listing of webinars hosted by MASOC from before 2020.
A Contemporary Overview of Juvenile Sexual Risk Assessment
Assessment of Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children: What, When and How
Creating Sexually Safer Congregations
Leading Sexuality Education Groups with Sexually Abusive Youth: Streetwise to Sex-Wise, the NEW Third Edition
Sustaining Trauma-Informed Care in a Punitive World
Updating Psychotherapeutic Practices with Ancient Indigenous Wisdom
Adult Sexual Offenders: What You Need to Know
Building Motivation for Change
Cultural Competence in Our Field: The Why, The What, The Where
Practice Self-Regulation™ a Trauma-Informed Approach for Adolescent Sexual Health
The Impact of Pornography on Children, Youth and Culture
Using the Stages of Accomplishment Workbooks In Treatment
Applying Indigenous Based Work with Indigenous and Western Communities
Family Reunification after Child Sexual Abuse
Promoting Sex-Wise Parenting: Supporting Parents to Promote Sexual Health and Safety
Treating Adult Sexual Offenders: Safe Offender Strategies and the Role of Self-Regulation in Sex Offender Treatment
Very Different Voices: Celebrating the Diversity of Perspective in Sexual Violence Prevention
Become a MASOC Member
Membership is designed for all professionals and any individual committed to preventing sexual abuse through early intervention in the lives of children and adolescents engaging in problematic sexual behavior.