Lunch & Learn Series

Fall 2023 Series | MASOC & MACA Collaboration

Program Overview

CE Credits: 1 credit per session

This Lunch and Learn series is a monthly, 1-hour, high-octane focus on the emerging issues for clinicians working with children and youth engaging in problematic sexual behaviors. This is a collaborative effort between MACA and MASOC.

This series offers CE credits to augment this unique professional development opportunity. Credits are free to MA professionals.  If you are from out of state, we ask that you make a $6/session donation to help us cover these CE Credits.  CE credits are made possible through William James College.

View full session overviews below.

Dates & Topics

Webinars are recorded and available on-demand. Register to view recordings.

What is a Strengths-based Approach? with Dr. Kevin Powell
October 31, 2023 | 12-1 PM ET

Incorporating Polyvagal Approaches and the Neurobiology of Trauma in Treatment of Sexually Abusive Behavior with Dr. Meghan Fagundes
November 28, 2023 | 12-1 PM ET

Sibling Sexual Abuse with Stuart Allardyce
December 19, 2023 | 12-1 PM ET

October 31, 2023 | 12:00-1:00 PM ET

What is a Strengths-based Approach?

Presenter: Dr. Kevin Powell

This Lunch & Learn will provide participants with an overview of ‘what is’ a Strengths-Based Approach (SBA) and how to incorporate it into their work with at-risk (at-promise) children and families. Specific interventions will be highlighted for forming positive relationships, promoting hope and self-efficacy, targeting protective factors linked to resilience, and fostering prosocial behaviors.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this Lunch and Learn session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe ‘what is’ a Strengths-Based Approach

  2. Implement strategies for forming Positive Relationships

  3. Implement interventions that promoting Hope & Self-Efficacy

November 28, 2023 | 12:00-1:00 PM ET

Incorporating Polyvagal Approaches and the Neurobiology of Trauma in Treatment of Sexually Abusive Behavior

Presenter: Dr. Meghan Fagundes


Research shows that individuals with sexually abusive behavior experience trauma at higher rates than the general population; however, there is a paucity of research exploring the incorporation of trauma-informed approaches with those who have engaged in sexually abusive behavior. How might our existing approaches to working with this population be overlooking, or worse, exacerbating symptoms related to trauma? In this workshop, we will explore how to incorporate a basic understanding of the neurobiology of trauma and polyvagal theory into practices for individuals with sexually abusive behavior.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this Lunch and Learn session, attendees will understand and be able to:

  1. Identify the impact of trauma on neurobiology and development as it relates to individuals with sexually abusive behavior.

  2. Summarize the basic principles of polyvagal theory and trauma informed care.

  3. Integrate polyvagal therapy and other trauma informed practices into treatment for sexually abusive behavior.

December 19, 2023 | 12:00-1:00 PM ET

Sibling Sexual Abuse

Presenter: Stuart Allardyce

Sibling sexual is perhaps the most common form of intrafamilial sexual harm, yet cases involving sibling sexual abuse can be very challenging for practitioners and agencies, and outcomes for children affected and their families are often suboptimal. This workshop will cover content of two recent publications by the UK based ‘Centre of expertise in child sexual abuse’ written for social workers and other professionals. They outline current knowledge and evidence in the sibling sexual abuse field and look at how that knowledge can be used to inform how we positively support a family’s journey, from identification of harm, safety planning and assessment, through to intervention, case closure and aftercare support. The workshop will also draw on recent research on the lived experiences of adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse and how that can inform child protection decision making and better outcomes for families.

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this Lunch and Learn session, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand sibling sexual behavior from a child development perspective
  2. Be able to outline key components of a robust assessment after sibling sexual abuse has been identified
  3. Have an overview of strengths and weaknesses in research into interventions for families are children affected after sibling sexual abuse is identified

Continuing Education for Clinicians

Looking for more professional development and continuing education opportunities? MASOC offers two annual conferences, regular lunch and learns, and on-demand webinars to inform practitioners of best-practices, treatment approaches and emerging research on problematic sexual behaviors.