MASOC is the Massachusetts Society for a World Free of Sexual Harm by Youth. Since our founding in 1986, MASOC has provided education and training services to professionals; educated legislators on emerging issues; and coordinated efforts with the partners critical to this important work.
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M-CAAP en español
Estamos felices de anunciar que el M-CAAP está ahora disponible en español.
MASOC & MATSA Joint Conference
Save with early bird rates for this virtual event, April 9 & 10, 2025.
Spring 2025 Lunch & Learn Series
Register now for 1-hour, high-octane webinars.
Our Mission
MASOC’s mission is to ensure that children and adolescents with problematic or abusive sexual behaviors live healthy, safe, and productive lives.
Our Focus Areas
MASOC invests our resources in education and training because specialized assessments and treatment must be administered by professionals trained in working with this population.
Professional Education & Training
We offer individual and group trainings for professionals in treating youth with problematic sexual behaviors.
We offer education to legislators on issues surrounding children’s sexual safety
Community Engagement
We coordinate our efforts with both the criminal justice and survivor communities.
MASOC Commitment to Racial Justice
The MASOC Board condemns the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed, Rayshard Brooks, Andres Guardado, and the thousands of others who have been brutalized or killed due to police violence and white supremacy that is part of the long history of racial violence and discrimination in this country. Each of these people are unique and loved. Their lives matter.
Find a Provider
Therapists and counselors are available to help young people who have problematic sexual behaviors. MASOC’s directory offers a simple way to identify treatment providers in your area.